Call for Papers | International Conference on Scripture for Peace and Humanity: Scriptural Reasoning, Contextualist Approach, and Social Reception
5 Maret 2023
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Call for Papers
International Conference on Scripture for Peace and Humanity: Scriptural Reasoning, Contextualist Approach, and Social Reception
Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 20-21 June 2023
Scripture is central to the formation of theological principles, law, ethics, and spirituality, all of which articulate one’s being in the world. Scripture is also often used by people to justify both violence and peace. State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga (UIN Sunan Kalijaga), the Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations (NICMCR), and the Indonesian Qur’anic Studies Association (AIAT) offer a dynamic forum for critical scholarly dialogue on scripture for peace and humanity.
We hope to bring together scholars from different (religious) traditions to present research on how scripture in their respective traditions has been read, interpreted, and employed to express (in)tolerant attitudes toward others. We are also interested in papers on new interpretative approaches as well as historical intellectual traditions towards scripture.
The sub-themes are but not limited to the following:
1. Scripture and religious moderation
2. Scriptural worldviews on relations among religious communities
3. Historical intellectual tradition and scripture
4. Scripture in modernity and post-modernity
5. (New) approaches to scripture
6. Scripture and gender equity
7. Scripture and environment
8. Scripture, societies, and cultures (living scripture)
9. Scripture and politics
10. Comparative scripture
11. Comparative hermeneutics and scriptural reasoning
12. Scripture and decoloniality
13. Scriptural perspectives of peace and humanity in world religions
Paper abstracts in English (300 – 400 words) should be submitted through fadhli.lukman@uin-suka.ac.id (cc: aiat.indonesia@gmail.com) by 15 May 2023. The abstract must include author(s) name, e-mail address and affiliation, and the paper title. If you require further information or experience difficulties with the submission process, please contact fadhli.lukman@uin-suka.ac.id.
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Silsilu Durrotil Bahiyah