Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Abstrak International Conference on Scripture for Peace and Humanity: Scriptural Reasoning, Contextualist Approach, and Social Reception
Following our evaluation and selection on the submitted abstracts for the
International Conference on Scripture for Peace and Humanity: Scriptural
Reasoning, Contextualist Approach, and Social Reception, we decide to accept the applicants whose names and paper
tittles are listed below. For the sake of the upcoming June event, we would
like to convey the following matters:
1. Successful applicants are welcome to submit their full papers before the deadline (June 13, 2023) through the link: bit.ly/3MmljZF
2. All accepted papers will be presented at the panel sessions, either by
online or offline.
3. Accommodation and travel costs for offline presenters are their
respective responsibility. Each presenter is expected to apply for a Letter of
Travelling Service (SPPD) or the likes from their respective institution.
Should there be any other matters that require information related to
this event, please contact Fadli Lukman (fadhli.lukman@uin-suka.ac.id).
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